Interactive Leaflet Map of Village Land Parcels with Parcel Number and Owner Details.


Interactive Leaflet Map of Village Land Parcels with Parcel Number and Owner Details.

Link For The Leaflet Map:


Project Overview

The project involves creating an interactive web map of a village that displays land parcels with detailed information about each parcel. Users can click on individual parcels to view specific details such as the parcel number and owner information.

Tools and Technologies Used:

  • Leaflet: A popular open-source JavaScript library for interactive maps.
  • GIS Application: Used for digitizing scanned maps and attributing parcel data.

Process Overview:

  1. Data Collection and Preparation:
    • Scanned Maps: High-resolution scanned images of village maps were obtained.
    • Digitization: The scanned maps were digitized using a GIS (Geographic Information System) application. This involved tracing the land parcels and creating digital vector representations of the parcels.
  2. Attribute Data:
    • Field Information: Attribute fields were filled in the GIS application, including parcel numbers and owner details.
  3. Map Creation:
    • Leaflet Setup: An interactive map was set up using Leaflet. The map view was centered on the village, and the zoom level was adjusted to display the entire area of interest.
    • Tile Layer: Added a base layer from a tile service like OpenStreetMap to provide a visual backdrop for the map.
    • Overlay Parcels: The digitized parcel data was overlaid onto the Leaflet map. Each parcel was represented as a marker or shape (e.g., polygons) on the map.
  4. Interactive Features:
    • Markers/Shapes: For each parcel, a marker or shape was added to the map at the coordinates derived from the digitized data.
    • Popups: Popups were bound to each parcel marker or shape. When a user clicks on a parcel, the popup displays the parcel number and owner details.



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